Terms and Conditions

Visitors and users (hereafter referred to as the customer) of HORISEN High Dining Online Reservation System on the Internet (hereafter referred to as System) agree to comply with the following terms of use (hereafter referred to as Terms) before any booking of seats.

The Organizer shall have the right to amend the Terms of use of the System by publishing the relevant information/news on the website and mobile application.


“Seats” refers to the seats or other types of “Event” refers to the HORISEN High Dining experience, which will be held at a venue in respect of which we have the right to sell you seats. Evidence (including electronic/online bookings) for our event sold by us to you. “Venue” means any facilities or locations of any nature where the event is being held. “We” means the organizer. “Us” and “Our” shall be ready accordingly. “You” means the seat who booked or anybody who in our reasonable opinion is acting with your authority or permission. “Your” shall be read accordingly.


All prices quoted are in Indian Rupee (INR) and excludes local taxes and GST. All seats are sold subject to availability and these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions should be read carefully prior to booking and any queries relating to them should be raised with us prior to booking, as booking of seats constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.

  • You shall receive the confirmation of seat(s) from the System through the e-mail address provides by the Customer in the System upon paying for the seat(s). 
  • You shall not decide on the arrangement of seat(s) during the event.
  • A valid seat(s) confirmation must be produced to get into the event. Seat is valid on the date and time of the event only. 1 (One) seat admits 1 (One) person only.

Removing any part of, altering or defacing the seat confirmation may invalidate your seat. It is your responsibility to check your seat during the booking process on our System. Any mistake made during the booking cannot be rectified after the booking. Please check your seat confirmation carefully and contact us immediately if there is a mistake.

The resale of seat(s) is prohibited. We reserve the right to cancel any seat(s) that have been resold. Any use of the HORISEN High Dining website or app, its contents and data for any unlawful activities, as well as for the purpose of sale or resale of seat(s), is prohibited without organizer prior written consent. We shall have the right to charge a contractual penalty for breach of contract from any customer who has violated this provision.

Once seat(s) are sold, no refund, amendment or cancellations will be entertained. We will not be responsible for any seat(s) confirmation that is lost, stolen or destroyed. The Organizer only accepts responsibility for seat(s) bought from one of its own managed sales points.
Ownership or possession of a seat(s) confirmation does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the seat(s) confirmation.

Any seat(s) confirmations obtained in breach of these terms and conditions shall be void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such seat(s) shall be void. Any person seeking use such a void seat(s) in order to gain or provide entry to our event may be considered to be a trespasser and may be liable to be ejected and liable to legal action. Void seat(s) are non-refundable. You may transfer the seat(s) and the consideration for seat(s) transfer will however be given if you can provide evidence of double booking, illnesses or other related emergencies to the Organizer 48 hours before the dinner, together with his/her replacement’s details such as Full Name, Identification Card Number/Passport Number, Contact Details etc.

By performing any action on the System’s site, Customer confirms that:

  • All prices quoted are in Indian Rupee (INR) and includes local taxes and GST. 
  • It is a legal entity whose representative has all and any powers to use the System services in the name of that person, and to assume any obligations for that legal entity.
  • The person duly understands and complies with all the Terms of Use of the system.
  • Pregnant Women are advised not to experience HORISEN High Dining.
  • If the guest is under the age of 18, the presence and signature of parents/guardian that is at least 18 years old and above will be required for indemnity form.


The Organizer may postpone, delay, cancel, interrupt or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations or any other causes beyond reasonable control.


In the event of the event being delayed, cancelled or postponed, the Organizer cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred by the customer for travel, accommodation or any other related service. Decisions to postpone or delay events are not under the Organizer’s control; therefore, we are not liable and will not offer compensation or refunds of any costs incurred. A full refund (on the fee of the seat only) will be given if the Organizer makes the cancellation.


It is your responsibility to ascertain whether the Event has been cancelled or re-scheduled and the date and time of any re-scheduled event. Where an event is cancelled or re-scheduled, the organizer will use our reasonable and best endeavours to notify you.


Information is collected from those registering in the System in order to facilitate seat(s) booking or other services available.


You have to be at least 13 years old and above to be able to take part in the HORISEN High Dining experience. If the guest(s) is under the age of 18, the presence and signature of parents/guardian that is at least 18 years old and above will be required for indemnity form.

Punctuality is very important for the HORISEN High Dining experience. You are advised to arrive 30 mins before the scheduled time of your package. If there is a delay on your arrival and the platform has already been lifted, the Organizer will not lower the platform for you and your seat(s) will be cancelled automatically, with no refund will be given.

You are advised to dress according to the weather. Please be advised that at 50 Meters height the wind can be stronger and the temperature can be lower than usual. Once the platform has already been lifted, the Organizer will not lower the platform for you if you request to change your attire, shoes, etc.

The Organizer cannot guarantee that participating chefs and restaurants will prepare dishes without common allergens, such as nuts, dairy, gluten etc. You are advised to go through the menu at our website before purchasing a seat(s). You shall be responsible for your own health and safety and shall observe any and all precautions regarding your medical condition inter alia diabetes, food allergies etc.

The Organizer reserves the right to refuse or deny your admission to the venue in reasonable circumstances including health and safety matters, licensing reasons or where a seat(s) is void. The Organizer also reserves the right to request you to leave the venue at any point of time on any reasonable grounds and may take any appropriate action to enforce this right.

By way of example, the Organizer may remove anybody who:

  • Behaved in a manner which in the reasonable opinion of the organizer has, or is likely to affect the enjoyment of other Customers 
  • Uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may disturb the peace of the Organizer and other Customers
  • In the reasonable opinion of the Organizer, you are acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

You must comply with the instructions and directions given by the Organizer, the staff and stewards on duty. No refunds will be given to those who have been denied entry due to their own behaviour as suggested in, but not limited to, the examples above.

You voluntarily assume all risk and danger incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during subsequent to the actual event, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability. HORISEN High Dining does not limit in any way the participation of any disabled person, but the said individual MUST provide sufficient information (in writing) regarding their medical conditions to the Organizer prior to purchasing a seat(s). The organizer will then assess the situation and people trained in safety experience will decide whether the individual may or may not participate.


The Organizer has the discretion to decide on the height of the table once it is lifted, based on the recommendation from our safety officer at any particular day or time.

In the case of adverse weather conditions, the Organizer has the right to delay the dining session (at the Organizer’s discretion but with a maximum delay of 1.5 hours only). If the condition of the weather does not improve, we will refund or reschedule the session as per customer’s comfort.

For safety reasons, you must be at least 143cms of height and a maximum weight of 130kgs of weight to enjoy the HORISEN High Dining experience.

We suggest you to avoid wearing open shoes or shoes without laces on the day of the event.
Safety belts are for your protection. Leave them as they are and do not try to open them at any point during the dinning session.

It is strictly forbidden to throw/release anything from the table at any time. Failure to adhere to this condition will lead to ejection and shall be asked to leave the venue at any point of time with no refund will be given.

Smoking of conventional and or electronic cigarettes/cigars is strictly prohibited during the HORISEN High Dining experience. Failure to adhere to this condition will lead to seat(s) riders being asked to leave the venue at any point with no refund will be given.

Only small items such as cell phones or compact cameras will be allowed to be brought together with you to the table during the dinning session. Strictly no bouquet of flowers or large handbags are allowed on board. It is your responsibility to keep your personal belongings like cell phones, cameras safe. The Organizer is not to be held responsible for the damage or loss of your items, if any.

You are obliged to adhere and obey any instructions given by staff of The Vertigo at all times. Touching any operational device or machinery is strictly prohibited and may result to legal actions

If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or your data, Terms and Conditions for using System, please feel free to contact us.


The use of equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, video or audio-visual material or any information or data inside the event venue is strictly forbidden, unless for personal use only. Unauthorized recordings, tapes, films or similar items may be confiscated and destroyed. Any recording made during the Event constitutes a breach of these conditions and shall automatically belong to the Organizer. The Organizer will not be held liable for any loss, theft or damage to any confiscated items.

The Organizer reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any HORISEN High Dining event, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. The Organizer may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by the organizer including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.

Any person desiring not to have their photo taken or distributed must inform the Organizer in writing of his/her intentions and include his or her photograph. The Organizer will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.

The following are not permitted within any venue:

  • Pets, animals 
  • Your own food and drink (unless permitted by the Organizer)
  • Bottles, cans or glass containers (unless permitted by the Organizer);
  • Any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives)
  • Illegal substances
  • Professional/ commercial recording devices

In Consideration of being permitted by Goa (hereinafter referred to as The Organizer) to participate In Horisen Sky Experiences at Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambollm, India and to use Its equipment and facilities at the event venue, to the full extent allowed by law, I (hereinafter referred to as The lndemnitee)

Hereby assume all of the risks of participating and/or volunteering/ working In this activity and on behalf of myself, my spouse, children, wards, relatives, heirs, executors, personal agents, personal representatives administrators, successors and assigns, hereby unconditionally waive, release, discharge, hold harmless, and will indemnify, acquit and forever discharge The Organizer, its their directors. officers, partners, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, suppliers, sponsors, or event volunteers from any liability of, from and for all and any manner of action or actions, cause and causes of action, claims, demands, costs, loss of services, expenses, attorney's fees, compensation and all consequential, compensatory, general, special, and/or punitive damages or liabilities, known or unknown, which may result directly or indirectly or in any way related to or growing out of my coming to, being on, or departing the premises and/or dining on the premises, including on account of any and all injuries, illnesses and other damages, including death.


Horisen Sky Experiences Goa, by its very nature, has safety certifications by TOV Rheinland. Horisen Goa is therefore safe and well maintained by The Organizer. However, all potential unforeseen risks could occur when safety measures are not strictly adhered to by The lndemnitee, such as minor injuries, for example scratches, bruises, sprains, or injuries not related to the technical error but occur due to heart attack, back injuries, concussions, paralysis or sudden death. The Organizer reserves the rights to postpone, delay or cancel Horisen Sky experiences Goa event, subject to weather conditions or other related or non-related matters.


I hereby consent to receive medlcal treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of an injury, accident, and/or illness during this event by the Paramedics or Ambulance or other medical personnel arranged by The Organizer.


The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing waiver and assumption of risks agrementt ls intended to be as broad and Inclusive as Is permitted by the law of India and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, It Is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.


I understand that at this event or related activities, I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, and assigns.

+91 9175670073
+91 9175670073